EPA Grants Second Extension for Formaldehyde Rule Comments

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced in a prepublication notice today that it has granted a 30 day extension for public comments on both parts of its proposed formaldehyde regulations. On August 6, CPA and its trade association allies in the Federal Wood Industry Coalition (FWIC) petitioned EPA to grant this extension due to the complexity of the rules, the involvement of the California Air Resource Board (CARB), and the agency’s many specific requests for input. This is the second extension granted by EPA at the request of industry stakeholders and comments on the TPC rule will now be due by September 25 and on the Implementation rule by October 9.

CPA’s proposed comments on the TPC rule will be forwarded to the Board of Directors next week for approval.  This will be followed the Board’s review of comments on the Implementation rule next month. The latter will include positions on non-complying lots, laminated panels and hardboard exemptions, confidential business information, treatment of ULEF and NAF resins, the de minimis exemption and other issues. A Board ballot specifically on the hardboard and laminated panels positions will be distributed today following recommendations of the Executive Committee last week. CPA is also composing a letter to EPA on behalf of FWIC that will address various key concerns where most FWIC partners agree.